Please come and help with the check-point! Please wear the APC Foxes t-shirt (and maybe our uniforms if you have one!)

we'll show people basic stunts and teach them how to do a thigh stand and fame.

"The Orientation Week’s Otasuunnistus (“Ota-Orienteerings”) are here again soon! Otasuunnistus are a checkpoint crawl, in which fuksis have a chance to get to know the multitude of student associations in Otaniemi.

Otasuunnistus are a fantastic chance to promote your association to new students, and even recruit new members. The more checkpoints there are, the more hype and excitement the whole event will spread!

Otasuunnistus are organized on two days: The Oriantation Week’s Wednesday 28.8. and Thursday 29.8. The checkpoint opening hours on both days are 16.30-22.00."


Milli Viktor M Riika S Jaana H
Vici Veikko A Anni T Johanna L Meiju P Meri A Reeta H
Milla P Kaisa J Laura K N Jaakko S Jaan Tollander Jenni P Janette V Hai Anh Olli H Liinu K Veera N Veera P Alisa H Peter K Aapo R Lila S Sanna H Risto S Toni P Marjaana Julia K Itale T Satsa Beverley Leevi S Miina-Maija S Julia H Paula J Ninna L Lumikki Kristiina H Taneli J Minttu K Pinja K Maria v Iina K Zoe P Lotta S Viivi M Johanna J Salma R Ella T Matias G Linda-Maria P Oona L Joosef A Blanka B Andrea A Venla L Milla R Doriane C Tom K Oona L [2] Edvins Nina H


Jaana ilmoittautui in

Pääsen paikalle n. 17:30

Kommentoi tapahtumaa: Kirjaudu jäsensivuille tai liity joukkueeseen.

Avoin ilmoittautuminen vieraileville pelaajille


Team Member 3 6
Coach 1 1
Beginners 0 0
Joukkueen ulkopuoliset 0
Yhteensä In 4 Out 7
Edellinen / Seuraava In Out
Practice Su 25.8. klo 19:00 6 7
Show/Other Ke 28.8. klo 16:30 0 9
Show/Other To 29.8. klo 16:30 4 7
Show/Other La 31.8. klo 16:00 3 5
Practice Su 1.9. klo 19:00 6 6

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